Monday, December 5, 2011

How to stop procrastinating - Ebook review

Anyone that knows me, knows that I am one of the worlds largest procrastinators, so of course I had to check out this ebook. 
The biggest thing that stood out for me, is to make a listed timeline of what you are to do, and what needs to be done when. I am the type of person, that if I don't write it down, it doesn't get done, so this really hit a high point with me.
Another is that you need to put the most important things at the top of the list, nit just thrown in their where ever they may be convenient. I don't want to tell everything about this book, because I do feel that you need to go purchase it, and read it for yourself. :)  It is a great read for anyone,even if you aren't a procrastinator.

Product Description 
7 tried and tested techniques to help you stop procrastinating.

Find out how to stop procrastinating, even if you've never managed before.

* How to decide whether to procrastinate
* Monitor how you currently spend your time
* Does 'Just Do It' actually work?
* Why starting with the smallest things first causes you to procrastinate
* How to split up stuff into smaller chunks
* Do you like rewards or punishments?
* How to manage your attention span to your advantage
* Find out how to stop chasing bright shiny objects all the time
* Go public with your agenda

This report will help transform you from master procrastinator to someone who actually gets things done.

Make your procrastination a thing of the past!

How to stop procrastinating....(Don't wait, go get it now!)

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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